Famous actress Datin Seri Umie Aida is calling on Malaysians to donate RM5 each to help asnaf students and poor Muslims in three schools in Cambodia. The three schools are Abu Bakr Islamic Center, Chanang Village and Norol Iman Center and Cambodian Islamic Center, Kondal. Umie said she joined the mission of Ensany Global because she wanted to see the level of their shop before asking for help. “Ensany Global offered me a chance to participate in this mission. I've never been there. So, I want to go and see their own level of support for help.
“It is very poor and much worse than it is in our country. As a Malaysian I am thankful for what we have in our country. “So, my mission is more about their education. I believe if we help, God willing if there is a lesson, they can change their family life. Most importantly they do study hard, but they can't continue without the funds.
I do not ask for a lot, earning RM5 per person is sufficient for them to continue their studies, break their fast, pay their teachers' salaries and buy books,” she said. Umie, who had been there for three days, said all the schools did not receive any assistance from the government.
“This Islamic school has no government funding. They just want help from the public. “Since they all live in dormitories, help is needed in the form of funds to buy their school supplies and education. “When I go down the field and look at the places where they are going and how deeply they are in Islam, it is our responsibility as Muslims here to help these children. It's not much, it's okay, "she said.
It is understood that the Abu Bakr Islamic Centre has nearly 200 students, Nurul Iman Centre (200) and Cambodian Islamic Centre (1,000). Any questions can be found on www.ensany.com and donations can be directed to Bank Islam Ensany's account number 14162011002557.
Original post : https://www.hmetro.com.my/rap/2019/05/457137/umie-rayu-bantuan-pelajar-miskin