Ensany Global has launched the Waqaf Al-Quran and book tube in Braille Code throughout Ramadan 2020 to support the efforts of the Association of People of Disability of Malaysia's Islamic Vision in fighting for the education rights of less vision efforts in Malaysia.
Following this fund quotation is the Maghfirah Foundation.
Global Ensany is informed while visiting the Publishing Center that the Quran and Book printed in Braille Code can only last for 5 years while the cost to print the Quran and the Book is RM0. 50 per piece. Expensive cost of printing and machinery causes Al-Quran and Book in Braille Code cannot be widely distributed to the people of the lack of vision in Malaysia. Thus, Global Ensany as an online fundraising container has appeared to help the SPECIALS so that the Quran and the Braille Book can be distributed for free to vision OKU.
Alhamdulillah, this effort also gets the support of the public not only in Malaysia even the near ASIA country with the funds raised RM668, 195.
During the same time, the event was also held to launch the People's Reservation of Lessons of Vision in Malaysia. Where this tube was established to help PERCIS raise funds to build a special complex for people with vision in Malaysia.
The Tubung of People's Resistance of Islam Malaysia's Islamic Vision has a project of efforts between Global, Maghfirah and PERTIS foundation.